Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy

Diagnosis & Treatment

Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy can be a frustrating condition. This video discusses the basics of how upper hamstring tendon pain is diagnosed and general treatment progressions.


Exercises for Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy

The treatment approach for proximal hamstring tendon pain is a progressive loading program. The exercises generally consist of isometric, isotonic, and plyometric exercises to gradually increase the tendon’s tolerance to load.


PHT & Sciatica

The sciatic nerve and the origin of the hamstring tendon are close in proximity. Due to this anatomy, the sciatic nerve can become irritated leading to sciatica.


Sitting with PHT

Pain with sitting is a common issue with proximal hamstring tendinopathy. The reason is because the hamstring tendon is compressed against the ischial tuberosity leading to pain.